At this year's Easter Vigil on April 7, fourteen adults and three children were initiated into the Catholic Church. Whereas infants are baptized throughout the year, it is a Catholic tradition that adults are baptized only at the Easter Vigil. Parishioner Carol Braham generously donated her time and creative expertise to redesign our Baptismal Font so that the adults and older children could step into the font and be baptized by immersion rather than just a sprinkling of water on the head. Our Pastor, Fr. Rick Rodoni, baptized the following adults who had been in the Rite of Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process for many months:
Kent Anderson
Sam Ballon
Alex Gorelik
Kay Ho
Ken Iwamoto
Melita Levings, and
Eric Opp
Three children were also baptized:
Cameron Sarnevesht
Emily Roland, and
Maya Roland
In addition, seven adults who had previously been baptized joined the newly baptized in receiving the other two Sacraments of Initiation: Confirmation and Eucharist (First Communion.)
Casey Anderson
Hillary Davis
Peter Dobey
Steve Hall
Tracey Nicol
Junior Nunez, and
Kate Raft
The Sacrament of Confirmation includes calling on the Holy Spirit, Laying on of Hands, and Anointing with Holy Chrism oil.
For more information about Inquiry into Catholicism and the RCIA process, contact Rose Anna Higashi at:[email protected] or (408) 354-4061 x135.