The three intrepid travelers to Guayaquil arrived safely on Wednesday night. No problems at Customs with all of our donations. Christine and I met Sister Annie for the first time. Sister Annie is a hoot!
Our first day at Damian House started with meeting up with a high school group from St. Xavier HS in Cincinnati, OH. They are on a different immersion trip and come over share in our experience. After a brief tour we met with a group of women who are just one week into recovery from nerve decompression surgery. Such an inspiration. Some are fortunate to have family support and their strength to cope comes from inside. Some are not as fortunate and are struggling. Their extended family is in denial that they have family members who are sick with Hansen's Disease. What was inspirational was the support that they get from each other and from the long term residents. We also met with the men who also have had surgery. They were not as open so we spent time just being there for them and playing dominoes, lots of dominoes. Christine and I represented St. Mary's quite well if I may say so. We were able to see how the surgery was so important for them because some are now able to flex their hands and fingers for the first time in years. One woman sitting next to me was just sitting there wiggling her fingers like it was a miracle.
After lunch, we spent time with a gentleman named Fortunado. A young guy, only 98 years old. Living at the House for the past 17 years, he loves to spend his days making hammocks. As we chatted with him through a volunteer translator, we come to find his secret to such a long life is his belief in God. He was a struggling farmer in the north and certainly appreciates the simpler things in life. He shared that Sister Annie is considered as an angel by all of the long term residents. She was sent by God to care for them, giving hope where none existed because of the stigma of their disease. She and her staff give them such great comfort.
Tomorrow brings another busy day. The local Rotary Club has recently completed some major renovations and there will be a dedication and a Mass presented by the former Bishop of Guayaquil. Once the festivities are completed we'll head offto the airport to begin our journey north to Quito and the WBC. Can't wait!
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers,
Bill Crites
p.s. Sister Annie sends her love!