On March 10, the San Jose Mercury News printed an editorial that was critical of future development of land in the southeast quadrant of Morgan Hill. The Diocese of San Jose owns 40 acres that has been purchased for the future Saint John XXIII College Preparatory High School. In stating its editorial opinion, the Mercury erroneously reported that the Diocese had previously purchased and sold another piece of land in Morgan Hill, implying that the Diocese would likely do the same with the 40 acres. In fact, the Diocese never owned that land, only the 40 acres in the southeast.
On March 11, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) voted to deny applications for development on # of acres, including the site of Saint John XXIII. In doing so, LAFCO effectively shut the door for this and any other development in the near future.
Although the Mercury printed a “correction” the following day, most readers were not aware of the error or that the newspaper had not done due diligence in establishing the facts.
As for the future, Bob Serventi Chief Financial Officer for the Diocese, affirms that the land will continue to be held for use for a Catholic high school.