Catholic Charities’ Season of Sharing Program
For over 60 years, generous donors have made it possible to ensure that the holidays are a time of joy and generosity for the families Catholic Charities serve. Our Season of Sharing program provides Christmas gifts to families who are unable to buy holiday gifts for themselves and their children due to financial hardship.
Last year we made huge strides in the number of families we were able to assist – but still fell short. Our client base has continually expanded – and we are struggling to meet the needs of all. We need help!--
We are looking for parish organizations that would be willing to assist us with collecting items for those in need. An easy way to help would be collecting gifts at a meeting or a pre-planned holiday event. For those with organizations looking to go a step further, we can provide specific information regarding opportunities to Adopt a Family/Families or address specific program needs.
Interested groups may contact us for more information at:
Catholic Charities of Santa Clara CountyLinda PippinAnnual Giving ManagerCatholic Charities of Santa Clara County2625 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134office 408-325-5125cell 408-931-5268