The Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive: Food articles such as soup, tuna, peanut butter, beans, rice, cereal, pasta, macaroni and cheese, canned fruit and vegetables may be dropped in the collection baskets in the church vestibule. No glass items please.
We will continue to collect food items in baskets in the baskets located in front of the Pastoral Ministries office until November 20.
Preparation of food boxes will occur Monday, November 21 and will be distributed Tuesday, November 22. If you would care to help, or should you know anyone living in the Los Gatos area in need, please contact SVdP President, John Thielmann at
[email protected]
The St. Mary’s Conference of The Society of St. Vincent de Paul thanks you for the generous patronage you provide. New members and associates are always welcome. If you would like information about how you might join or support our parish conference, please contact John Thielmann;
[email protected] or visit us on our website