Dear Parents,
As the parent of a student who will enter fifth grade through eight grade this fall, your child is eligible to be an Altar Server for St. Mary’s Church during the coming summer months. There is 1) a listing of the preparation steps expected of Altar Servers before beginning their ministry, 2) the responsibilities of their ministry, and 3) the assistance we request of their parents once their child is assigned as an Altar Server.
I hope that you will encourage your child to accept this opportunity to be of regular service to others through ministry in the Church. By encouraging your child and assisting them to keep to the assignment schedule, you will help them develop a genuine spirit of service to others in all aspects of their lives.
Please review the
Application for Altar Serverwith your child and discuss the importance of this ministry and its responsibilities. Should your child be interested in serving St. Mary’s in this way, please sign the completed application form and return it to the school/parish office.
For more information about the training dates please contact
Patrick Clifford via email
Thank you in advance for your participation in this ministry of being an Altar Server, and I look forward to working with you in your efforts to bring about a generous spirit of service to others in your child as they fulfill their responsibilities.