PLEASE SUPPORT OUR DIOCESE AND OUR PARISH BY DONATING TO THE ANNUAL DIOCESAN APPEAL (please be sure to select St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish - Los Gatos)
St. Mary's Goal this year: $200,000.00 (of which $20,000.00 will fund the upgrade of our church sound system)
Your ADA Gift funds: Evangelization work and outreach, particularly in the areas of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Catechesis and Faith Formation, Hispanic Apostolate, Social Justice Ministry, Institute for Leadership in Ministry, Formation and Training of Seminarians and Deacon Candidates, Ongoing Formation of those already ordained. Please prayerfully consider what amount you can give. Return your pledge form by U.S. mail, or drop it off at the parish office or make an online gift Be sure to indicate that you are from St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception. Extra pledge materials are available at church or in the parish office. THANK YOU!